Siapa yang bilang bikin kukis itu sulit berarti dia belum pernah coba bikin kukis yang satu ini. Bahan-bahan dan cara pembuatannya gampang sekali sehingga resep ini bisa dijadikan sebagai salah satu pilihan aktivitas dengan si kecil saat weekend.
Who says making cookie is difficult? With only 3 ingredients that you might already have in your kitchen, you can make cookies that taste yummy. This easy recipe can be a really fun activity idea with your kids
Who says making cookie is difficult? With only 3 ingredients that you might already have in your kitchen, you can make cookies that taste yummy. This easy recipe can be a really fun activity idea with your kids
SKM Cookie
by Rina Laurence
- 1/2 C (120ml) Susu Kental Manis (lebih enak pakai yang Gold) - sweetened condensed milk
- 1/2 C (110gr) Mentega suhu ruang (bisa juga pakai margarin) - butter, room temperature
- 1 1/4 C (175gr) self rising flour*
*) Kalau tidak punya self-rising flour bisa pakai terigu serba guna dicampur 1 sdt baking powder dan 1/4 sdt garam halus
self-rising flour can be substituted with the same amount of all purpose flour + 1 tsp baking powder + 1/4 tsp salt
self-rising flour can be substituted with the same amount of all purpose flour + 1 tsp baking powder + 1/4 tsp salt
Cara Membuat / Instructions:
- Kocok SKM dan mentega sampai creamy, sebentar saja, kira-kira 1 menit (bisa diwhisk atau mixer speed rendah) - Cream sweet condensed milk with butter for just around 1 minute.
- Masukkan terigu dan aduk rata dengan spatula - Fold in flour and mix well using a spatula
- bentuk sesuai selera. Diamkan di lemari es sekitar 15 menit setelah dibentuk. - Shape as you wish. Keep in the fridge for 15 minutes
- Panaskan oven, panggang kukis di suhu 150°C selama 7 menit. Biarkan dingin di loyang, pindahkan ke wadah kedap. - Bake in a preheated oven at 320°F (150°C) for 7 minutes. Let cool, keep in an airtight container.
Jadi 3 lusin kukis - makes 3 dozens of cookies
- Saya tidak merekomendasikan penggunaan susu kental manis rasa coklat karena rasanya kurang enak. Jika ingin kukis coklat sebaiknya tambahkan coklat bubuk saja (kurangi terigunya 2 sdm lalu ganti dengan 2 sdm coklat bubuk). - I don't recommend you to use chocolate flavored sweetened condensed milk because it doesn't taste as good, if you wish to bake chocolate flavored cookies, simply add 2Tbsp of cocoa and sift it together with the flour.
- Pokoknya siapkan sesuai petunjuk, jika ingin rasa lain seperti matcha, taro, dll, ya tinggal kurangi sedikit terigunya dan diganti dengan serbuk rasa.- Well, just prepare according to the recipe given above and feel free to add some flavors if you wish to, like taro powder, green tea powder, etc.