Marshmallows on top of a cup of hot chocolate, cupcakes, cookies, everything! Nobody can stop me from adding marshmallows to everything muahahahaha *evilgrin*.
Easy Homemade Marshmallows
by Rina Laurence
- .5oz (14gr)of gelatine - equal with 2 envelopes of Knox gelatine | gelatin bubuk - setara dengan 2 sachet jika pakai Knox
- 1/2 C (120ml) milk | susu
- 2 C (450gr) castor sugar | gula kastor
- 1/2 C (120ml) water | air
- Dash of salt | sejumput garam
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
Dusting / Taburan:
- confectioners sugar and cornstarch | gula halus & maizena
- dissolve gelatine in milk, set aside. | tuang gelatin ke dalam susu, diamkan.
- put the rest of ingredients in a saucepan, bring into simmer (stirring constantly over low heat) until sugar dissolved. Add gelatine mixture, keep stirring until bubbly. | Jerang semua bahan lain sambil terus diaduk sampai gula larut, masukkan larutan gelatin, aduk sampai berbuih.
- Beat at low speed around 3 minutes and then let sit for 5 minutes. | Dalam keadaan panas, Mixer kecepatan rendah selama 3 menitan lalu biarkan sekitar 5 menitan sampai uapnya hilang dan suhunya turun.
- Beat until fluffy and reaching stiff peak for around 10 to 15 minutes. To test it, spoon a dollop of batter and flip the spoon upside down, if the batter doesn't drip then it's perfect! | Mixer lagi kecepatan tinggi sampai mengembang dan kaku sekitar 10-15 menit. Test dengan cara menyendok adonan lalu balik sendoknya, tunggu beberapa saat, jika adonan tidak jatuh samasekali berarti adonannya sudah benar.
- Transfer to a tray or silicone mold dusted with confectioners sugar. Let sit for an hour at room temperature and then put in the freezer for at least 4 hours. | Tuang ke loyang atau cetakan silikon bertabur campuran gula halus & maizena. Diamkan di suhu ruang selama 1 jam lalu simpan di freezer minimal 4 jam.
- Dust the surface with cornstarch, cut using a long knife or scissors. | Taburi permukaan marshmallow dengan maizena, potong-potong dengan pisau atau gunting.

- I use Knox gelatine powder, feel free to use gelatine sheets if you want. | Saya pakai gelatin bubuk merek Knox, untuk yang mau coba pakai gelatin lembaran silahkan bereksperimen sendiri (saya belum pernah pakai gelatin lembaran).
- If you're concerned about halal or kosher food, you can choose to use halal/kosher gelatine.
- You can add food coloring/flavoring during beating process | bisa diberi pewarna/pasta saat dimixer.
- You can also add some filling if you want to | Bisa juga diberi isian seperti selai/kacang-kacangan/coklat saat dicetak.