Dec 13, 2015

Crispy Chicken Steak

Hari Minggu! Waktunys semua berkumpul di rumah mama dan saatnya banyak makanan di meja makan. Nah, ada yang sedikit berbeda weekend kali ini karena di meja makan bukan sekedar makanan yang biasa disajikan saja yang tampak, tapi ada banyak sekali oleh-oleh bawaan mama dari acara hangoutnya hehe

Sunday is when everyone gather at mom's place and this is the day of the week when we normally have tons of different types of food on our table. This Sunday is that kind of Sunday especially because mom just got back home from her "hangout" with friends day and she brought back a lot of foods.

Mama bawa banyak sekali buah-buahan yang sudah lama saya tidak makan seperti sawo contohnya. Senang sekali bisa makan banyak buah weekend ini tapi ya tetap ada saja yang menjengkelkan haha karena di meja ada setumpuk peuteuy alias pete. Beuhhh udah ketebak banget deh tuh pete bakal jadi menu makan siang huahaha. Ngga tahan sama baunya, saya pusing duluan pas petenya disiangin untuk jadi lalapan siang ini.

I enjoyed the fruits she brought home but I had to feel a little bit annoyed by the fact that she also brought home a bunch of stinky beans hahaha. As you probably could have guessed, she made those stinky, I have to repeat stinky, yes stinky beans as the lunch menu and I literally almost fainted just from breathing the smelly poluted air because of those tiny green "creatures" hahaha.

Yang suka makan pete, mangga bin monggo bin silahkan lah ya menikmati berlian hijau kalian itu haha, saya yang ngga bisa makan pete mau bikin piring saya kelihatan hijau juga tapi dengan cara saya sendiri. Kira-kira seperti ini nih piring saya, lumayan kan yaaa sama-sama menghijau seperti piring berhias pete yang mereka punya haha cuma yang ini sih ngga pake bau.Yang mau coba bikin steak ayam seperti saya, silahkan check out resepnya di bawah ini.

Everyone seemed to be happy about it but I really had to be my own saviour (lol exaggerated much), so I decided to make a different menu for myself. I also wanted to decorate my plate green just like theirs but mine was definitely not smelly like theirs.  So, here it is, the picture of my lunch plate, the only plate without stinky beans this Sunday. If you'd like to try the recipe for this crispy chicken steak, well... check it out!

Crispy Chicken Steak
by Rina Laurence
Bahan / Ingredients:
  • 2 dada ayam (dari seekor ayam) - 2 pieces chicken breasts (from 1 chicken)
  • 1 siung bawang putih, cincang - 1 clove garlic, minced
  • gula, garam, merica secukupnya - salt, pepper, and sugar to taste
  • sebutir telut, kocok lepas - 1 fresh egg, loosely beaten
  • terigu serba guna atau tepung panir, silahkan pilih salah satu saja - All purpose flour or breadcrumbs (choose one of these 2 options)
Bahan Untuk Saus / Sauce Ingredients:
  • 2 sdm mentega - 2 Tbsp butter
  • 2 siung bawang putih, cincang - 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 bawang bombay, cincang - 1 yellow onion, chopped
  • 3 sdm saus sambal - 3 Tbsp hot chilli sauce
  • 3 sdm saus tomat - 3 Tbsp ketchup (tomato sauce)
  • 3 sdm saus barbecue - 3 Tbsp BBQ sauce
  • 2 sdm terigu atau maizena, pilih saja salah satu - 2 Tbsp cornstarch or all purpose flour
  • 1 cup kaldu encer -  thin chicken stock
  • gula, garam, merica secukupnya - salt, pepper, and sugar to taste
Tambahan / Sides:
  • Kentang, terserah mau digoreng atau dijadikan mashed potato - Potatoes, wedged/steamed/mashed
  • Sayuiran sesuai selera, kukus/rebus. - Broccoli, green beans, carrot, etc., steamed/boiled (you can simply choose to use frozen mix veggies that can easily be found at supermarket)

Cara Membuat / Instruction:
Untuk Ayamnya / For Crispy Chicken
  1. Kerat-kerat dada ayam, balur dengan bawang putih, gula, garam, dan merica. Istirahatkan di kulkas 30 menit - Make thin slices on the surface of each chicken breasts. Rub them witg garlic, salt, pepper, and a tiny bit of sugar. Let rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. 
  2. Celupkan ayam ke kocokan telur, pindahkan ke wadah berisi tepung, tekan-tekan sedikit. - Dip chicken to the beaten egg, transfer to the bowl with flour/breadcrumbs. Lightly press to make sure the flour or breadcrumbs stick well to the chicken breasts. 
  3. Goreng di minyak panas sampai keemasan - Fry until golden brown
Sausnya / Sauce:
  1. Tumis bawang putih sampai harum, masukkan bawang bombay, lanjutkan menumis. - Saute garlic until fragrant, add in the chopped onion, stir well. 
  2. Masukkan semua saus, aduk rata - Add in all sauces & cornstarch, stir well. 
  3. Tuang kaldu ayam sedikit-sedikit sambil terus diaduk sampai kental, tambahkan gula, garam, merica, tes rasa - Pour chicken stock gradually and stir until the sauce is thick and bubbly. Add in salt, pepper, and sugar to taste. 
Penyelesaian / Finishing:
Tata ayam, sayuran di piring. Siram ayam dengan saus. Sajikan selagi panas agar lebih nikmat - Put chicken, steamed vegetables, and potatoes on the plate. Drench the chicken with sauce. Serve immediately.

Gampang sekali kan membuat steak ayam renyah seperti ini. Ayo dicoba bikin dan jangan lupa posting foto di page facebook saya ya.

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