Kwetiau Basah
by Rina Laurence
resep mbak Ani Aisyah
Tambahan dari saya: setelah diiris dan dikumpulkan dalam wadah, saya guyur air matang dingin dan disisir dengan jari supaya kwetiaunya terbuka dari gulungan dan tidak saling menempel lalu ditiriskan. (-Rina)
I'm not a big fan of rice noodle (Sha He Fen, Kway Teow, 粿條), but when I saw this easy recipe being posted on facebook, I tried it immediately and got a really satisfying result. I even made it as kwetiau goreng (stir-fried kway teow) for lunch.
Homemade Rice Noodle / Kwetiau
by Rina Laurence
original post by Ani Aisyah
I drenched the sliced noodles with cold water and do some brushing movement with my fingers to make sure they don't tangle. (-Rina)
resep mbak Ani Aisyah
- 1 C (100gr) tepung beras
- 3 sdm tapioka
- 1 C (240ml) air matang
- 1/4 sdt garam
- minyak goreng untuk mengoles
- Campur smua bahan aduk rata
- Tuang adonan secukupnya (jangan terlalu tebal) ke loyang bersemir minyak.
- Kukus 3-4 menit. Angkat loyang, olesi hasilnya dengan minyak goreng lalu digulung, biarkan beberapa saat lalu diiris.
- Siap di olah atau simpan di kulkas jika belum di olah
Tambahan dari saya: setelah diiris dan dikumpulkan dalam wadah, saya guyur air matang dingin dan disisir dengan jari supaya kwetiaunya terbuka dari gulungan dan tidak saling menempel lalu ditiriskan. (-Rina)
I'm not a big fan of rice noodle (Sha He Fen, Kway Teow, 粿條), but when I saw this easy recipe being posted on facebook, I tried it immediately and got a really satisfying result. I even made it as kwetiau goreng (stir-fried kway teow) for lunch.
Homemade Rice Noodle / Kwetiau
by Rina Laurence
original post by Ani Aisyah
- 1 C (100gr) white rice flour
- 3 sdm tapioca starch
- 1 C (240ml) water
- 1/4 tsp salt
- vegetable oil
- Mix all ingredients except oil, stir well.
- Pour 1/2 C of batter into 8x8inches greased pan
- Steam around 3 to 4 minutes. Brush with vegetable oil, roll, let rest a little bit and slice.
I drenched the sliced noodles with cold water and do some brushing movement with my fingers to make sure they don't tangle. (-Rina)
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